Monday, April 9, 2012

And the chaos sets in

Spring semester is always a hectic one for teachers.  Wrapping up the school year, cramming for Star testing, making sure they get through all their lessons etc...  For me, I am just jumping into the semester and I can feel the pressure.  Getting through a chapter of grammar and two novels with freshmen and trying to keep my seniors from being brain dead from now until June is proving to take its toll.  Luckily I have found comfort in reaching out for support on campus as well as online. 

I can relate with my seniors because in June, I'll be graduating too.  It can be hard to be so close to the end and feel like there is still so much to get done.  That is where reaching out to my resources has come in handy.  Why try and come up with a whole new revolutionary twist on Shakespeare when a teacher at your school has rock star quality lessons they are willing to share?  Using my resources is not something that has always been easy for me.  But now with sites like Pinterest and following educational groups on Twitter, a whole world of possibilities is at my fingertips.  Now I have to remember that I can't possibly try everything in one semester.  Good thing I plan on being a teacher for an extremely long time, I will have the chance to try all of these and continue to grow and learn from other teachers. 

My biggest goal for this semester is to use every moment as a learning experience so when I am a fully credentialed (and hopefully employed) teacher, I will be able to be the best teacher I can be.  For now, I have to accept where I am and be realistic about what I can give to these students.  Something to live by while "crash-course" teaching, "Everyday might not be good, but there is something good in everyday."  My goal: To recognize that good and learn from the not-so-good. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope it makes you feel better that your not alone. We are all in the same boat and trying to stay on top of it all. This year has put us though some tough times (you in particular ;-)) but we will all make it out. And soon! I really like the quote at the end of this blog, since I need a little motivation right about now myself. Here is another one that I tell myself, "If your going through hell, keep going" we are on the final lap, lets do it!
